Roadside Assistance / Towing Service available 24/7

All the information you require regarding cashless claim settlement 

In the event that your automobile breaks down or runs into a significant problem while travelling, a roadside assistance policy can be very beneficial. After all, it's annoying to get lost in the middle of nowhere. At that point, having 24-hour roadside assistance becomes crucial. 

While some insurance companies provide this function as standard in a stand-alone auto insurance policy, others only offer it as an optional feature that you can choose to use for a little higher cost. 


What does auto insurance cover for roadside assistance? 

An optional benefit that can be added to an auto insurance policy is roadside assistance 

 It gives motorists access to Towing in North Geelong, emergency services in case of a breakdown or other accident while they are operating a vehicle. 

Roadside assistance that is available around-the-clock usually offers a variety of services, such as Emergency towing in North Geelong, fuel delivery, tyre replacements and jump starts for batteries. * Additional services like lockout assistance, emergency lodging, or travel fees may be provided by certain policies in the event that your car cannot be fixed the same day. 

In the event of a breakdown, roadside assistance can be a useful addition to your auto insurance coverage, saving you both money and time. Without it, drivers risk becoming stuck on the road, paying hefty towing costs, or worse, endangering themselves by attempting to fix the vehicle on their own. 





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